Sunday, November 30, 2014

Since when did Thanksgiving break last ten days?

My daughter has been out of school since last Friday. She's got ten days off for Thanksgiving. AND she'll still have two weeks off at Christmas. Is it wrong of me to feel screwed by the school system? What are they doing with all this time? I know it's not bettering their performance or anything. And I'm literally going crazy.

Where we live, the kids aren't.... normal. That's one of the downfalls of living in the projects. There are a lot of rotten apples here. So Blue doesn't go outside much, because either she gets harassed, or ganged up on, or I get beat up. (True story.) So she's stuck in the house, which is bad enough, but we're broke, so we're limited in what we can do to try and add outings to our repertoire. Furthermore, the rest of the school districts in the area are normal, so the kids only had Thursday and Friday off, so her cousins are in school and can't visit.

I've had to dig DEEP into the recesses of my mind to find projects to do, games to play, things to keep her busy...

Unfortunately for me*, one of her favorite games is to play airplane with me on my bed. You know the one, where I lay on my back and lift her on my feet so she can fly? Well, it's not just your standard, legs in the air, arms oustretched kind of airplane that she likes to play. We've gotten creative. We have variations that would baffle the minds of airplane experts everywhere.

There's one where I lay on my back with my legs in the air, and she sits on the bottoms of my feet, and I lift her as high as I can, then she stands on my hands and I lift her as high as I can that way. Like she's at the top of a cheerleading pyramid with no one underneath her but me. (And believe me, there have been some epic falls.) Once she's in the air, she tries to make up new super hero names for herself, trying them on to see how she likes them. Her favorite so far is Super Heart Girl.

There's another variation where she and I sit facing one another. She sits criss cross applesauce (is there another way to describe that without making me wanna gag?), and I put my feet where they need to go for airplane. We hold hands. Then I throw myself backwards, launching her back into the air and over my body and head, then throw myself forward, sending her back down, and we do this over and over for as long as I can take it, her giggling the whole time. It sounds really dangerous as I write it out, but the worst we've had happen is that we've bonked heads pretty hard. Which just led to us in a pile, laughing.

She loves the regular airplane with an added move - she folds at the waist and does a back flip off my legs.

And thing is, I see no benefit to my waistline whatsoever. You'd think I'd get some kind of thinning or toning effect, but no, it is not to be. SO, I am not a fan of this particular activity.

I don't understand why they gave the kids 6 days off for Thanksgiving, I really, really don't. But I definitely think there's no way it justifies this kind of activity on my part.

The things mothers will do. Heh.

* Can I just toss out there that I'm WAY too old and out of shape to do things like this? I'm at LEAST a couple years behind on my yoga. My body screams in terror when I think of doing these things.Yet here I find myself...

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