Friday, December 26, 2014

It's a White Christmas!

Having a white Christmas isn't really that important to me. It can be charming when it snows on Christmas Eve a little bit so there's a thin blanket of white on Christmas morning. But the blizzard I just had to drive home through was the opposite of charming. It was alarming. It had just gotten dark, the roads were a mess, visibility was terrible, and I was sliding all over the place. The fifteen minute drive took me over an hour and nearly gave me an embolism. I have no idea whether I was in a lane at all for most of the drive. And it was all highway driving, even.

That said, Christmas was lovely. Hubby woke me early this morning, as is his daily habit, and we hung out a little bit, then we woke the little one. (I know, I know, she's supposed to wake us up. We couldn't help it.) She got a pair of roller skates, a three year journal (that's a great present for a 6-year-old to be excited about, but she actually shrieked with delight), a Monster High coffee shop, a microphone on a stand, and a Monster High scooter. She was thrilled. She spent the morning scootering from one side of the house to the other.

Then we got dressed and went to my mother-in-law's house, whom I love dearly. She always cooks up a storm, and the meal is awesome. Today was no exception. AND, there were presents for me, which I was totally surprised by. I wasn't expecting any. I got a new, super-soft set of jammies, which is like heaven for me, and a pair of super-soft fuzzy socks, which is like a tiny slice of heaven. When I'm home, I prefer to be in jammies and fuzzy socks. I'm NEVER dressed. I got a new hand fan. (You know, the kind you hold and fan yourself with, like a lady in waiting or something? I always carry one of those with me everywhere I go.) I got a GORGEOUS leopard print and brown infinity scarf from my sister-in-law, along with some new underwear and some makeup. (Everyone gets me makeup. I love makeup. I never have enough makeup,) I got a handful of other things too, and it was a really pleasant surprise.

Dinner was wonderful. It's always so nice to sit around the table and eat with the whole family on holidays. I enjoy it so much. But the snow started just as we finished eating, and we had to hurry and leave right away. We didn't even have time to bring home leftovers. :(

We got home, and Blue scootered herself around until she was tired enough for bed, then I came and sat down here to write, and that was the day. A lovely Christmas, if I do say so myself. A million things to be grateful for this year. As I think back over the past few days, there's just one thing after another that I'm thankful for.

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