Sunday, December 7, 2014

No joke.

So, went to bed Friday with big plans for Saturday set in stone, and woke up at midnight with Blue spewing into the trash can. Poor sweet bean. It's only been a week and a half since she went through this before.

Nevertheless, she was done by this morning, and I sent her off to her grammy's house to spend the night. My plans for housecleaning went off without a hitch.

I've gotten the living room into shape for the Christmas tree, which was the primary goal for today. We haven't had one here at the poshpad yet. Blue doesn't even remember ever having had one in her life. This will be her first year with a Christmas tree. It's set up in the living room now, just waiting for her to get home so we can decorate it together. I can't wait! I know she'll be so excited, I just can't handle it. And I brought out the other decorations too - not all of them, because I have a TON, but some, just the old ones I have from when my mom and dad were still married and I was a kid, and we can put those up. I wonder where my mistletoe ball is...? That would be fun to have up.

I guess I missed this more than I realized.

I hope I can find the Christmas lights!

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